Meditation is an extraordinary practice, but many people wonder when the best time for meditation. The answer will vary depending on the individual and the amount of time a person meditates. Some Yoga teachers are very specific about optimal time for meditation, but some of us have a very strict work schedule.
Morning meditation for initial risers
Morning, especially in the morning, traditionally is believed to be the best time for meditation, for several different reasons. The first reason is because of the atmosphere; The world is still sleepy and calm in the early hours for the most part, depending on where one life is, and this matches a more meditative state automatically. Another reason is because someone has, hopefully, has just woken up from deep sleep and sleeping soundly has a special symbiosis relationship with meditation. Someone brings momentum to sleep well and meditation – build on the foundation is placed at night, calm the mind and become a concern. The situation is present at this time then done all the rest of the day.
Exceptions of morning meditation
There are exceptions for each rule, and it is important not to attach at a certain time. There is no magical time for meditation. The time to meditate is when it’s best for you. For example, someone who works the third shift should not feel obliged to meditate at six in the morning, only because the others have good results meditating at that time. For that person, they might better meditate at night, just before they go to work.
Night meditation for riser
The alternative time to meditate is before going to bed at night. For some people, this can be the time of their main meditation; For others, this will be their secondary meditation time. Achieving a calmer state, through meditation before going to bed, can cause some of the best sleep ever experienced throughout their lives. One of the main causes of night without sleep is the inability of the mind to stop his thinking for a long time for someone to fall asleep. Bring silence to mind, through meditation, eliminating this problem.
Short meditation session
In addition to scheduled meditation, it is also very helpful to try mini meditation sessions throughout the day. This meditation does not need to be long; Even a few minutes will be done. When someone has trained his mind to stay through a normal meditation session, it takes a relatively small time to reach the situation all day.
Just like the muscles in the physical body have memory, so is someone’s inner space. For those who only meditate for a few minutes, it must be remembered: an individual cannot realistically hope to achieve a state of meditation in and reap all gifts from the practice during a short session. Individually, which regularly meditate for one session a day in 20 to 30 minutes, will benefit from silence blocks and relatively small attention – interspersed throughout their day.
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